On 2012-03-23, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have had success with installing and running this extenstion on MacOSX
> 10.6.8, under Sage 4.8. (That is, I didn't even use Atlas - Sage uses
> native MacOSX lapack/blas)
> Instructions:
> fire up Sage shell: sage -sh
> 1) Compile Csdp static lib in lib/ subdirectory of Csdp distibution and
> copy it (i.e. libcsdp.a) to $SAGE_LOCAL/lib/
(on Linux, you will need to add -fPIC to CFLAGS in Makefile)

> 2) mkdir $SAGE_LOCAL/incluce/sdp/
> 3) Copy Csdp .h files in include to $SAGE_LOCAL/incluce/sdp/
> 4) in pycsdp, edit setup.py as follows:
> add at the line 3:
> import os
> SAGE_LIB = os.environ['SAGE_LOCAL']+'/lib'
> SAGE_INCLUDE = os.environ['SAGE_LOCAL']+'/include'
> replace the lines
>      library_dir = ['/usr/local/numerics/lib']
>      includes = ['/usr/local/numerics/include/',
> with
>      library_dir = [SAGE_LIB]
>      includes = [SAGE_INCLUDE+'/sdp',
> 5) run python setup.py install
> 6) Done! Now you can do python examples/example.py and see it running
>   (or you can start Sage proper and try doing
>  from pycsdp import _csdp, etc)
> I imagine this should work on Linux too.
I just checked, and it does. (With a minor tweak, see above).

> No parallel/multithreaded blas,
> though; one has to work on adding parallel Atlas libs to Sage in order
> to fix this.

Actually, I am told on sage-devel (see a thread on multithreaded Atlas)
that Sage's Atlas blas/lapack are multi-threaded,
assuming one can build such libbraries on the system.


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