Do you have some kind of firewall running? The error seems strange:
RuntimeError: no available port.

On Sunday, May 6, 2012 3:12:39 AM UTC+8, kjetil1001 wrote:
> This is debian wheezy, amd64.
> Notebook() is not working: (I am calling this from within a shell in emacs)
> notebook()
> sage: sage: sage: sage: sage: sage: sage: sage: The notebook files are 
> stored in: sage_notebook.sagenb
> ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
> The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
> The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (114, 0))
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/kjetil/.sage/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /home/kjetil/sage/sage-5.0.rc0/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/notebook_object.pyc
> in __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
>     215     """
>     216     def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
> --> 217         return self.notebook(*args, **kwds)
>     218 
>     219     notebook = run_notebook.notebook_twisted
> /home/kjetil/sage/sage-5.0.rc0/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/run_notebook.pyc 
> in notebook_twisted(self, directory, port, interface, address, port_tries, 
> secure, reset, accounts, require_login, server_pool, ulimit, timeout, 
> open_viewer, sagetex_path, start_path, fork, quiet, subnets)
>     441             print "*" * 70
>     442 
> --> 443     port = find_next_available_port(interface, port, port_tries)
>     444     if open_viewer:
>     445         "Open viewer automatically isn't fully implemented.  You 
> have to manually open your web browser to the above URL."
> /home/kjetil/sage/sage-5.0.rc0/devel/sagenb/sagenb/misc/misc.pyc in 
> find_next_available_port(interface, start, max_tries, verbose)
>     132             print "Port %s is already in use."%port
>     133             print "Trying next port..."
> --> 134     raise RuntimeError, "no available port."
>     135 
>     136 
> RuntimeError: no available port.
> sage: 
> Kjetil
> -- 
> "If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the 
> human face - forever." 
> George Orwell (1984)

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