
I think I have found a serious bug on Graph.modular_decomposition. Clearly, a 
graph is prime if and only if its complement is so. Nevertheless:

sage: P = Graph('Dl_')
sage: P.is_prime()
sage: P.complement().is_prime()

This behaviour seems to derive from Graph.modular_decomposition. Look:

sage: P.modular_decomposition()
('Prime', [2, 0, 4, 1, 3])
sage: P.complement().modular_decomposition()
('Prime', [('Serie', [3, 1]), 4, 0, 2])

This is not the only example where you can observe this behavior. To generate 
easily many examples try, for instance:

sage: for g in graphs(7):
....:     if g.is_prime() and not g.complement().is_prime(): 
....:         g.graph6_string()

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