Hello Paulo !

You did, and thank you for that !

The trouble is that the bug does not come from Sage, but rather from the 
piece of code we call to solve the problem. In 
sage/graph/modular_decomposition/src/ there is a dm.c file that contains 
the "smart" code, and contains a line at the top of the file :
#define DEBUG 0

I set it to 1, so that the C code can tell us by itself what is actually 
happening before Sage does anything, and I get as output on your instance 
(translated from french) :
Final Tree:

Well.. It just means that I have to forward the bug you found to the 
software's author :-)

I just create a trac ticket about that :


On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 4:07:46 PM UTC+1, Paulo Seijas wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I have found a serious bug on Graph.modular_decomposition. 
> Clearly, a graph is prime if and only if its complement is so. Nevertheless:
> sage: P = Graph('Dl_')
> sage: P.is_prime()
> True
> sage: P.complement().is_prime()
> False
> This behaviour seems to derive from Graph.modular_decomposition. Look:
> sage: P.modular_decomposition()
> ('Prime', [2, 0, 4, 1, 3])
> sage: P.complement().modular_decomposition()
> ('Prime', [('Serie', [3, 1]), 4, 0, 2])
> This is not the only example where you can observe this behavior. To 
> generate easily many examples try, for instance:
> sage: for g in graphs(7):
> ....:     if g.is_prime() and not g.complement().is_prime(): 
> ....:         g.graph6_string()
> ....:         
> 'Fl_K?'
> 'FlGK?'
> 'FlSK?'
> 'FnsK?'
> 'Fl[K?'
> 'FheL?'
> 'FlUL?'
> 'F|UL?'
> 'Fl]L?'
> 'FlsKG'
> 'FlUKG'
> 'FluKG'
> 'FnV[G'
> 'FlT[G'
> 'F|tkG'
> 'Fl]KG'
> 'Fl[KW'
> 'Fn|KG'
> 'Fn|kG'
> 'F|LLG'
> 'FnnLG'
> 'Flg[?'
> 'F|g[?'
> 'Fli[?'
> 'Flg{?'
> 'Fn{[?'
> 'Fn}[?'
> 'FzN{?'
> 'F~H[?'
> Best regards,
> Paulo

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