Hellooooooooo !!

> So, I downloaded the most current version of the source code from
> http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~fm/algos/dm.tar, compiled it and run the
> same code codifying the graph P. This time I got the right answer:

Hmmmmmmmm O_O

So either Fabien modified it since I wrote to him about the bug you
reported, or he updated it without me knowing since the last time... Well,
looks like we have an easy way out then ! I will just have to create a
patch that replaces the current file, and we'll be done ;-)

> Introducing some changes into the file dm.c by hand seem to be not enough
> to make sage recompile it and change the behaviour of the command
> "P.modular_decomposition()" afterwards. Could you please tell how could I
> sage know that it must recompile dm.c after I modify it?

Oh. Well, perhaps you need to do something like "touch
modular_decomposition.pyx" when you are in the
sage/graphs/modular_decomposition folder. Then run "sage -b".
modular_decomposition.pyx is the actual Sage code, that depends on the .c
file you modified. It should be enough. Tell me how it goes !! I will keep
this thread updated about the fix.


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