Thank you. I missed that "online help". Silly me...

Emmanuel Charpentier

Le dimanche 22 décembre 2013 16:39:27 UTC+1, Volker Braun a écrit :
> The "dev" object in Sage is equivalent to the "sage -dev" command line. 
> Arguments are translated between Python to Shell calling conventions, so 
> $ sage -dev diff --base master
> is the same as
> sage: dev.diff(base='master')
> Help overview:
> $ sage -dev help
> usage: sage-dev [-h] subcommand ...
> The developer interface for sage.
> optional arguments:
>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
> subcommands:
>     abandon             Abandon a ticket or branch.
>     checkout            Checkout another branch.
>     clean               Restore the working directory to the most recent 
> commit.
>     comment             Add a comment to "ticket" on trac.
>     commit              Create a commit from the pending changes on the 
> current branch.
>     create-ticket       Create a new ticket on trac.
>     diff                Show how the current file system differs from 
> "base".
>     download-patch      Legacy support: Download a patch to a temporary 
> directory.
>     edit-ticket         Edit the description of "ticket" on trac.
>     help                show help message and exit
>     import-patch        Legacy support: Import a patch into the current 
> branch.
>     merge               Merge changes from "ticket_or_branch" into the 
> current branch.
>     needs-info          Set a ticket on trac to "needs_info".
>     needs-review        Set a ticket on trac to "needs_review".
>     needs-work          Set a ticket on trac to "needs_work".
>     positive-review     Set a ticket on trac to "positive_review".
>     prune-tickets       Remove branches for tickets that are already 
> merged into master.
>     pull                Pull "ticket_or_remote_branch" to "branch".
>     push                Push the current branch to the Sage repository.
>     remote-status       Show information about the status of "ticket".
>     set-remote          Set the remote branch to push to for 
> "branch_or_ticket" to "remote_branch".
>     show-dependencies   Show the dependencies of "ticket".
>     tickets             Print the tickets currently being worked on in 
> your local repository.
>     upload-ssh-key      Upload "public_key" to gitolite through the trac 
> interface.
>     vanilla             Return to a clean version of Sage.
> Help for subcommands:
> $ sage -dev diff -husage: sage-dev diff [-h] [--base BASE]
> Show how the current file system differs from "base".
> optional arguments:
>   -h, --help   show this help message and exit
>   --base BASE  a string; show the differences against the latest 
> "'commit'" (the default), against the branch
>                "'master'" (or any other branch name), or the merge of the 
> "'dependencies'" of the current ticket
>                (if the dependencies merge cleanly)
> On Sunday, December 22, 2013 3:22:42 PM UTC, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
>> Thank you very much, Volker ! I definitely need to take some time to 
>> **learn** git.
>> BTW : the -dev commands currently have no direct documentation *per se*. 
>> There is a lot of examples in the developer's guide, and the reference 
>> manual has a "SageDev" section, but neither is clear as to what sage 
>> functions have a script counterpart, or the possible differences between 
>> sage functions and scripts.

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