Ahahaah. While writing that code, I met an infinite loop. Apparently
testing if an element of a group is equal to +infinity calls
__repr__... :-P


On 28 April 2014 18:16, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Showing a deprecation warning for valid input isn't ideal ;-)
> Indeed, indeed. Right now it prints the following input, which I hope
> will be taken seriously by those who should, and be ignored by those
> who should :
> sage: x = A([5]); x
> doctest:1: DeprecationWarning: The default behaviour changed ! If you
> *really* want a linear combination of smith generators, use
> .linear_combination_of_smith_form_gens.
> See http://trac.sagemath.org/16261 for details.
>> How about we deprecate all list/tuple input and force the user to use
>> G.linear_combination_of_smith_form_gens / G.linear_combination_of_gens.
> Well... It's more proper, but it does look a bit too extreme... :-/
> Nathann

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