
SaligaoNet seems to have achieved a record breaking number of e-mails in
this month of June 2004.

The e-mails per month, since inception, are appended below.


       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
2004 6 8 32 19 66 144
2003 60 29 55 76 88 53 57 43 25 39 19 27
2002 138 95 138 101 61 48 30 44 51 114 21 22
2001 4 2 5 9 6 14 32 20 43 46 78 78
2000 15 12 15 9 9 48 19 18 14 5 4 13
1999 3 39 60 60 56 50 60 19 30 15 22 15

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