
Thanks for bringing us up to date on both the issues.  It's good to know
that there are some of you still there in the village to 'keep an eye on

There must be some way to issue a stay order against furthur construction
until an investigation into how this construction was allowed so close to
our hallowed 'zor' has been conducted.

Also, the sale of water from a few private properties in Saligao MUST BE
STOPPED.  Water is a common commodity, access to which is beginning to be
considered to be a basic human right.  The plundering of this natural
resouce does affect surrounding properties by dropping the water table
unnaturally and beyond the natural recharge processes.

The thirsty tourist belt must be prepared to invest in the long term
resolution of this problem.  If water is to be sold from Saligao, it should
be done under the auspicies of the local government (Communidade?) with
input into the process from the villagers with a view to investing the
proceeds into watershed management.  This would include a concerted plan to
dig retaining ditches on the hill, damming up the 'toye' and other efforts
that can be ascertained by local geologists.  A few private individuals
cannot profit from this resource just because they have installed efficient
extraction equipment.

As we all know, pushing these matters legally takes time and money.  We
value all the efforts being put into these projects by those on the ground
(ie. in Saligao) and we can only help remotely with ideas and money.  Is
there a fund for these matters to which we can contribute?


Original Message:
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 21:02:56 +0530
To: saligaonet@goacom.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [saligaonet] Salmona, the next casualty!

Didn't mean to undermine the valiant efforts to stop it. But like it or not,
even a prolonged flash, soon extinguished, is still a flash! The sale of
water soon resumed & continues in full swing while my well already has just
about a foot of water left. The piped water is released in fits & starts of
late. Perhaps being rationed for drier times!

Anyway, back to Salmona - Up to our eyeballs with the kids exams, cashew
plucking, Easter egg orders & so I don't have the time to take up the
Salmona crusade right away. Since these sort of constructions have a history
of mushrooming almost over night, perhaps Ricco (strictly from the angle of
being a media person) or any other volunteer could at least stall it till I
can get involved.

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