Cant change historical facts.  There is truth in history about Christianity 
etc. etc.
Like you said Joe/Dilip, it is a "can of worms" better left unopened especially 
on this net, hence I am waiting for a new website ( it was your good suggestion 
Dilip ) to deal with "Restoration of Saligao Church" issues in particular not 
"Church" issues in general.  I for one, & many others would like our Saligao 
Church standing (Gothic or pathetic Gothic, heritage or not heritage, but 
remember it is not in Europe but in our part of the world & hence on the 
international map as can be seen from postcards sold in UK & France)  & that is 
possible only if the roof is repaired in the first instance.  The rest can wait 
if & when we have extra funds. There is no compulsion, & each is entitled to 
their opinions, views & sentiments.
& yes Dilip, many times funds have been collected for the Church, ... I did 
touch on that topic many times in the past too with those concerned.  You 
probably know about the machinations more than I do.  And perhaps you are not 
aware, but the Saligankvars in Canada have been sending on a yearly basis funds 
to support - poor, women, medical facility in Saligao, Aged Homes etc. etc.  I 
think they had a few groups on their list (including the Saligao Church)- guess 
if you wanted information, you would need to check with that particular 
So Rico & others, how about creating that website for Saligao Church only & its 
restoration? NOT religion or Christianity or Church.  

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 23:04:17 

Thursday, March 06, 2008
Many friends have asked me about why I reacted like I did to the church appeal. 
Let me explain, and please don’t criticize my viewpoint personally.

I am NOT anti God.
I hear some of you ask, “How can you write this and say you aren't?”  I see a 
clear distinction between what is essentially a man-made organization (the 
catholic church) and God. My reading of the history of the church upsets me 
enormously. I’m sure it has done many good things, but there APPEAR TO BE so 
many really bad ‘sins’ committed by the organization, which are still 
unrepented. This needs to be rectified and quickly. I need not elaborate on the 
‘sins’, which range from ALLEGED collaboration in genocide to the outright 
persecution of scientists. And where do we start with the whole area of child 
abuse? Did it just never happen in India? Come on folks, let’s get real. It 
MIGHTwell be on-going somewhere.
1b. And I’m not anti-church any more than I am anti any-other-human-creation. 
But I have no qualms analysing anything man-made, church included. Criticism is 
not taboo. It makes for a healthier organization.

The church is RICH.
One of the richest organizations on the planet and yet over the last 25 years I 
can recollect at least 3 appeals for the upkeep for the church in Saligao. 
Sadly, I can recollect not one appeal for Saligao’s poor. 

Is our church building a heritage site? Yes. Of course it is. It represents so 
much to so many. But is it our GREATEST heritage, as some claimed? Of course 
not. We have to learn  to think about the feelings of others as we make our 
unsubstantiated claims. Such claims don’t upset me… but what about others? I 
object to religion being flaunted without evidence. I believe as soon as that 
happens, problems arise. Flaunted religion is deeply divisive. (can give 1000 
references). Tie that in to economic disparity that seems ethnic and one has 
the fuel for major conflict ( most of our poor are hindu, though not all hindus 
are poor of course).
I smile as I remember the word 'Gothic' being used to describe our spire. 
Please just Google (images) ‘gothic spire’ and see the sheer magnificence of 
the spires of those European cathedrals (and there are hundreds- hardly a dying 
breed). Against that backdrop, our spire seems pathetic; more a completely out 
of place reminder of a previous colonial institution.
The way we were (all of us) converted from Hinduism to Catholicism, needs to be 
explored and aired. We have to re-visit history. Only the most naïve will 
believe that Catholicism simply came into our ancestors’ lives. The history of 
the spread of Christianity in Europe, Latin America and Africa is not pleasant 
reading. Like all religions, its spread was brutal and coercive; linked to land 
ownership, patronage, subsidized education etc. We need to make peace with our 
past, like the truth commission in South Africa.
6. Lastly, lets ask ourselves the question: How many non-Catholics are active 
members of this web site? Answer ‘zero’. Why? Because we tend to be divisive by 
over-doing the church thing and making them feel excluded. I recollect once we 
even had the church services published on-site. Can’t the church manage its own 
web site? C’mon, of course it can, and it should.  Do we ever say any thing 
about our Hindu brethren? Do we talk about the temple services/ events? No. 
Given their exposure on our site one could be excused for thinking they didn't 
exist in saligao.
7. But there are many non-divisive issues we need to address on our much-oved 
web site: 
The state of the village environment (fountain, garbage, water etc included)
The health of the village population
Our Education systems
Integrative activity that brings us all together.
Support for the village poor
How the govt’s decision to cancel loans to farmers in India may affect our very 
own brothers who toil pitifully each day to eke out a living (as we sail past 
in our Sunday finery to partake of the bread and wine)

8. My dear friends, please forgive me if I have upset sensibilities. That is 
not why I have written this short piece. I know I have opened a complete can of 
worms but I ask only one thing of those who reply: Keep it impersonal. Discuss 
the issues, and – most importantly – try to understand my points before 
refuting them. I have chosen my every word carefully, I think.
Yours sincerely
Any questions? Ask me when you see me at church on Sunday

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