Oh and now that you mention SMTP2POP3. We add some new "stuff" to it too. SMTP2POP3 can be run in * SMTP2POP3 mode (meaning that the entry will in cycle_n send mail (smtp) and in cycle_n+1 it will collect mail (pop3). * SMTP mode (meaning it will just send mail) * POP3 mode (meaning it will just collect mail) It can be configured to only delete mail that was send by SMTP2POP3. It can be configured to retry within one cycle the send/receive several times. This can be usefull when the mailserver (smtp server) for example) has a very small temporary glitch were it can't accept mail, the check will then try to send the mail several times (number can be configured from "no reties" to "3 retries").
The SMTP part (sending part) can authenticated towards the remote SMTP server. (simple BASIC SMTP authentication). Download link: http://beta.woodstone.nu/soft/setupSMTP2POP3com.EXE dirk. -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Kruithof Sent: Wed Nov 12 4:24 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [SA-list] Priority This would also allow you to run SMTP2/POP3 checks on alternating checks. I'll send you flowers and chocolates if you do this, Dirk... Kevin Kevin Kruithof Class 3 Systems Administrator, Section 21b, Type 42, Platinum Edition Center for Useless Classification Expert Tech Group 916-677-1032 -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dirk Bulinckx Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 5:52 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [SA-list] Priority All is possible :-) I'll have to look at the implication on the rest of the app before being able to do it. Still I think it's a good "request". dirk. -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vaes, Joep Sent: Wed Nov 12 2:18 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: [SA-list] Priority The first one of Servers Alive. Joep -----Original Message----- From: Dirk Bulinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2003 14:17 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [SA-list] Priority And what is cycle 1? The first one of that entry of the first one of Servers Alive? dirk. -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vaes, Joep Sent: Wed Nov 12 1:45 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: [SA-list] Priority Dirk, Most of my checks have a priority of "each cycle". The diskspace checks, however have a priority of "1 Out of 20 cycles". Now all cycles last e.g. 1 minute, but the 20th, 40th, etc. last 3 minutes since then all diskspace checks are done. I would like to have a feature that enables me to set the start cycle, e.g. the first diskspace check starts at cycle 1 (and further every 20 cycles), the second at cycle 2, etc. This enables me to spread the extra burden of the diskspace checks. Is that possible? Regards, Joep Vaes C System developer / dept. of ISS Viasystems Mommers Echt Peutenweg 2 6101 VZ Echt The Netherlands Phone: + 31 (0)475-479-209 Fax: + 31 (0)475-488-500 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit us at: www.viasystems.nl To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] With the following in the body of the message: unsubscribe SAlive To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] With the following in the body of the message: unsubscribe SAlive To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] With the following in the body of the message: unsubscribe SAlive To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] With the following in the body of the message: unsubscribe SAlive To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] With the following in the body of the message: unsubscribe SAlive To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] With the following in the body of the message: unsubscribe SAlive