Title: Message
Using IPsec, I close down all non-essential ports on this web server. I leave port 25 open so asp scripts can send out email and they work fine.
However, SA can't send unless I open up all ports. This happens whether I use "Send Direct", an external SMTP server, or the IIS SMTP server on the same box as SA. Does SA require more than just TCP Port 25? What has me stumped is that asp scripts can send email out just fine even though SA can't.
Log has two lines for each failure. Second one has nothing after "SMTP Error :"
SMTP Error : stopped sending mail
SMTP Error :
I checked the box for "Don't ping the SMTP servers...". SA version is 4.1.1567. W2KAS SP4
I checked archives and google and can't find a solution to this problem.

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