Title: Message
Is it an auth (ident) time-out? Is your firewall logging denies on port 113?
-----Original Message-----
From: Fernando Scalini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: [SA-list] SMTP alerts failing when closing ports other than 25

Interesting. When I have all ports open, I get a 220 return right away. When only 25 is open, I get a 220 return after exactly 30 seconds every time.
I tried telnetting to other mail servers with ports other than 25 closed and they connect right away. So its obvious now this isn't a problem with SA. I just wish I knew why my mail server takes 30 seconds. It's Qmail and I haven't found anything showing that it needs some other port before opening a connection.
Thanks for your help.

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