"How about the ability to query the state of anti virus products
(Symantec)?  I'd like to be able to check that AV software running on
server X is running definitions version Y dated Z.  Yes, I know that
there is some combination of add-on products and scripts that would do
this for me, but that's not why I use SA.  If I could or wanted to code,
I wouldn't need SA." 

=> this would mean that IF there is an updated AV definition and your
servers (I suppose you want to check AV server and not all the clients!) do
have the update that SA could start giving all downs...just because you
didn't update the AV version on SA yet.  Wouldn't that give more trouble
then good?


-----Original Message-----
Of David Webster
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 12:06 AM
To: salive@woodstone.nu
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Major product checks missing?

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