Thanks for that - that's much clearer.



-----Original Message-----
Of David Webster
Sent: 13 April 2005 13:31
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Servers Alive Service

I think of the service as the program that does the actual checking and
the application (also called the GUI) as a tool for creating/editing the
configuration of checks, alerts etc. used by the service.  With the
service stopped, run the application and setup your checks and alerts.
If you do checks that require authentication, e.g. services, put the
credentials required in the checks themselves.  Use the format
domain\username for windows checks.  Save the host file and exit the
application.  Set the service to run as SYSTEM with desktop interaction.
Start the service.  It will start a "copy" of the application that can
be used while the service is running to review information, check status
of items, etc., but not to edit using this copy of the GUI.  If you want
to make changes, stop the service, run the application, make the
changes, save and exit the app, and re-start the service.

Hope this helps.


PS make sure you are not doing this from a terminal services session.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Gibson, Richard (IHG)
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 5:05 AM
To: Servers Alive Support List (
Subject: [SA-list] Servers Alive Service

Could someone please explain how SA the Service works with SA the
Application. Are they one and the same thing, with just the service
running all the time whether the server is logged on or not, and the
application providing the interface to add and remove checks? Or are
they separate entities, as one can be run without the other. Do they use
the same setup, config and host files?

The reason I ask is that I am currently setting up SA 5.0 and have seen
a couple of anomalies when running both the service and the application
at the same time - I update the setup in the application interface, then
when I restart the service I lose the updates. The HTML status summary
seems to have stopped updating since I last restarted the service, and
they initially appeared to be using different credentials for connecting
to services, until I set the service to start using the domain

Thanks in advance. 

Richard Gibson 

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