I put the official 6.1 release on last week and then went to 6.1.2220 on Friday 
to try to fix a memory leak problem. Since going to 6.1 I am getting Down 
alerts via both SMTP and SMS on my checks, but I am not getting the back up 
message via either means. I looked at the checks and my "when back up" checkbox 
is marked on the alert tab, but I am not getting any back up alert. 
When I looked in my SA logs today I am seeing the same error message Ahmed 
posted below. 
"PingStart ERROR: Method '~' of object '~' failed ( 170) -  0- 0" 
"PingStart ERROR: Method '~' of object '~' failed ( 170) -  22- 17" 
Checks seem to be running and working okay, just the up alerts are hitting. Any 

>>> Ahmed Hassan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/10/2008 6:40 AM >>>

I running SAlive v6.1.2191 on win 2003 (standard edition) SP1 and keep getting 
the following error messages in my logs "Method '~' of object '~' failed".

Please see attached doc of  log snippet.

I have also noticed my email alerts stopped working.  When I do a test email it 
does go through but no email alerts are generated when there is DOWN even 
though all my recipents/groups are active. 



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