Hi Dirk

Most of my checks failed last night and when I checked the log this morning I 
found these error messages:

 "Method '~' of object '~' failed" and  "Object variable or With block variable 
not set(91-0)".

Any ideas as to why this happen and to stop it in future?sa

Please see log snippet below.

22 April 2008 20:28:29 Albalon & Camelon -  Swan RMC Dependency
22 April 2008 20:28:29 PingStart ERROR: Method '~' of object '~' failed ( 170) 
-  1367- 601
22 April 2008 20:28:29 Name2use: INTSURE01-IP: INTADB01-Name:
22 April 2008 20:28:29 Packetsize:  32 - nrofframes :  5 - Timeout :  30000
22 April 2008 20:28:30 External Cisco Router  [HSRP1] - HECA Dependency
22 April 2008 20:28:30 Swan RMC Cisco Router
22 April 2008 20:28:31 SANDERPDC
22 April 2008 20:28:31 Core Switch VRRP - IPT Dependency
22 April 2008 20:28:31 PingStart ERROR: Method '~' of object '~' failed ( 170) 
-  977- 309
22 April 2008 20:28:31 Name2use: INTSURE01-IP: INTADB01-Name:
22 April 2008 20:28:31 Packetsize:  32 - nrofframes :  5 - Timeout :  15000

22 April 2008 20:31:18 External COM check started (W00000003,1214,-1)
22 April 2008 20:31:18 ERR: COM Check problem (W00000003,1214, 260):Method '~' 
of object '~' failed
22 April 2008 20:31:18 OI Docklands - LDAP
22 April 2008 20:31:18 External COM check started (W00000003,1215,-1)
22 April 2008 20:31:18 ERR: COM Check problem (W00000003,1215, 260):Method '~' 
of object '~' failed
22 April 2008 20:31:18 Calls Ticket Generator on OXHEATAPPSRV

23 April 2008 08:54:09 ERR GetSetupInfoFromFrames (SMTP Alternate ADV): Object 
variable or With block variable not set(91-0)
23 April 2008 08:54:12 ERR GetSetupInfoFromFrames (SMTP Alternate ADV): Object 
variable or With block variable not set(91-0)


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