Posting it to the list is OK, IF you just take the relevant part.  BUT create a 
totally new message for it , with a subject that is relevant. 





From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Griffin, Jim
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 3:36 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 


I’ve captured a log.  Do you need me to post it here? 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Jason Passow
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 12:06 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 


For the SMTP messages what shows in the debug log?   To turn on debug logging 
go to file-->setup-->logging-->debug logging to file.   

Jason Passow
Mississippi Welders Supply
ph: (507) 494-5178
fax: (507) 454-8104 

From: Griffin, Jim []
To: Servers Alive Discussion List []
Sent: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 09:56:22 -0600
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 

Correct. It’s not a true false alert.  But its reporting that our 
external web site is down when in fact the website is up, which of course is an 
issue.  The server has been restarted, but I can restart it again today no 
problem with that. 


It is also not sending out text messages and emails correctly via smtp. 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Chris Mang
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 10:41 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 


Servers Alive very rarely sends a true ‘false alert’.  Like any 
application, it isn’t perfect, but in my experience, SA reports what it 
can, and some other source is the cause of the status of the alert. 


The first thing I do when I have what people call ‘false alerts’ is 
to restart the Servers Alive server (not just the service, but the machine). 


What other issues are you having? 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Griffin, Jim
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 8:41 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 


Chris I agree with having 24x7 support for this product.  I’m new to 
servers alive at the job I just started a month ago.  Having gone through the 
manual and trying to become more familiar with the product was good to an 
extent, but has not helped me fix my problems. 


Speaking of that.  Did anyone receive my email from a few weeks ago stating I 
was looking for help with false alerts and no emails being sent? 


Thank you, 


Jim Griffin 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Chris Mang
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 4:21 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 


Servers Alive has become “mission critical” for our Information 
Technology team. Relying on this list, or the existing paid support has worked 
quite well for issues that don’t need immediate resolution.  I 
don’t believe it would make sense for Woodstone to give up this support 
model, because it can be very effective.  I really do believe you must sleep 
only two hours a day, based on the times that you respond to issues. 


However, in circumstances where there is an issue that needs immediate 
resolution, the availability of 24x7x365 phone and email support (or another 
scheme such as 8x5, etc.) would be a nice feature.  This would, of course, 
incur a cost to Woodstone.  As a current customer, we might be willing to pay 
for this extended support if the benefits to us justified the cost.  I cannot 
tell you at this time what we would be willing to pay, because I don’t 
really know. 


You would, of course, have to determine if it economically feasible for 
Woodstone, based on your costs, how many customers you estimate would pay for 
this support, market conditions, etc.  Another possible complication could be 
that your software is such a value already.  The cost to the customer for this 
kind of support might not balance against the low cost of the software. 





From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Dirk Bulinckx
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 2:56 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 


Could you elaborate on this item: " More extensive support offerings (for a 







From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Chris Mang
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 4:16 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Roadmap 


I would like 


·         A workstation client to use for management of Servers Alive 
settings would be helpful.  I would prefer not logging into the Servers Alive 
server to make changes. 

·         Built-in agent functionality (not as an extra).  Make the 
agent configurable so that if some of the items are down, it will report those 
as down.  If the server doesn’t get a response from the agent, the server 
reports all are down 

·         More web templates (I am not a coder, but I do like pretty 
colors and fancy graphics) 

·         Web-based training for installation, configuration, operation, 
and troubleshooting 

·         More extensive support offerings (for a fee) 


Chris Mang>>
Senior Security Administrator 

JDA Software Group, Inc. 



From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 3:06 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: Re: [SA-list] Roadmap 


Very much in favour of separating GUI and check engine. Also, here are a few 
ideas we've discussed previously: 

* Ability to set up predefined alerts (e.g. Alert A is an alert set up to send 
SMS to engineer team X immediately; Alert B does the same but to engineer team 
Y; Alert C is set up to send an email to management group Z after 3 downs, 
etc). You would then, in each check, be able to say "use predefined alerts A, B 
and D", as well as being able to create additional alerts for that specific 
check. I could imagine this being done with tick boxes - i.e. have (say) 10 
predefined alert types which you can select within a check. The point of all 
this is that, if I need to make changes such as changing who gets the alerts, 
or what the wording of the alerts are, or when they get sent, or even add a new 
alert to a number of checks, one can simply change a single predefined alert, 
and/or tick an additional box in each check that is to be affected. 
* Automatic log file managment. E.g. delete log files older than x days. 
* Ability to automatically backup config file and registry entries every x 
* Individual days on the calendar component on the "On Call" tab for each 
person should be selected by default - currently they are deselected by 
default. (In other words, currently you have to select when they're on call, 
rather than selecting when they're *not* on call. If that could be reversed, 
that would be of much more use for us. Our typical scenario to use this is when 
someone goes on holiday - it would be much easier to set someone to be "off" 
for 28 days a year than to set them "on" for 337 days a year). 



Ian K Gray
OEL IS - European Infrastructure Support
Tel: +44 1236 502661
Mob: +44 7881 518854
Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit 

"Dirk Bulinckx" < (> 
Sent by: Servers Alive Discussion List < 

06/12/2009 19:35 

Please respond to
Servers Alive Discussion List < 


Servers Alive Discussion List < 




[SA-list] Roadmap 




One of those question we often get is "what will change to SA in the (near)
future", well here we go, our roadmap :-)

                * Windows 2008 compatibility
                * checking engine and GUI separated
                * webinterface (<- have a look at the current beta and you'll 
see that
we already have saWeb built-in now :-))
                * db backend (instead of flat-file)
                * boolean check (makes it possible to make a boolean 
combination of
already executed checks)

When will all of that be done....??  Good question!  Don't know :-)
I *hope* we can get all of this into the next major release, and no I don't have
a date for that :-))

Now how can YOU help us?  Tell us what you think is missing from Servers Alive.
Try not only to focus on the "look" of it, but also think about CHECK - ALERTS -
OUTPUTS - ... that are "missing" (or better that would be nice to have too)


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