Tim wrote:
> Hi,

Hi, nice to see someone alive on this list ;)
> In a fit of usefulness, I've just hunted out and removed the following
> broken links from the scrapbook.
> If anyone knows if they've moved elsewhere, would appreciate it if you
> tell me :)
> > The following links were checked and found to be bad:
> >
> > Page /mono/home/s/unc/www//Coupe/net/specpages.html
> >   http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/personal/cpg/zx81/

Any idea who's they where?

> > Page /mono/home/s/unc/www//Coupe/shop/index.html
> >   http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/sskardon/


> > Page /mono/home/s/unc/www//Coupe/misc/index.html
> >   http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sam_supplement/

No longer on the net.... I think David Tonks wasn't that impressed with 
the Internet... :(
> Also, has the following gone for good, don't keep up with CSS as much as
> I'd like...
> > The following links were not checked because the server was unreachable:
> > Page /mono/home/s/unc/www//Coupe/net/specpages.html
> >   http://www.jetman.demon.co.uk/speccy/index.html

Think he's still around. Not sure on the URL?
> Cheers,
>         Tim
> .............................................................................@/


PS: What's the score on updating the FAQ?

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