On Wed 23 Sep 98 (20:21:17 +0100), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Tim,

>In a fit of usefulness, I've just hunted out and removed the following
>broken links from the scrapbook.

You useful thing you!

>If anyone knows if they've moved elsewhere, would appreciate it if you
>tell me :)
>> The following links were checked and found to be bad:
>> Page /mono/home/s/unc/www//Coupe/net/specpages.html
>>   http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/personal/cpg/zx81/
>> Page /mono/home/s/unc/www//Coupe/shop/index.html
>>   http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/sskardon/

But it's not broken....I'm still there :-( Please put me back...

>> Page /mono/home/s/unc/www//Coupe/misc/index.html
>>   http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sam_supplement/


>        Tim
>.....@/ Unc - Tim Paveley - Moderator of "The Games Room" & "Ascii
>                    http://www.mono.org/~unc/


(_'tewart            email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
,_)kardon     http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/sskardon/stewart/
                              ICQ : 18283999

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