On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 13:49:03 PST, "Simon Cooke"

>According to the NT file system team, I can do it (as far as they know) 
>by getting a handle to the disk device. However, I can't do it from 
>win32; I have to drop to the NT subsystem.
>I don't get to look at source code without a *damn good reason*, and I'm 
>not sure whether I'm in the OS group or the Apps group. (Developer Tools 
>is a strange misfit; we straddle to an extent, it seems).
>Simon (NSFSMFT)

Hey, this is pretty kewl, we've got an insider in Microsoft, we should
get loads of juicy info now then, heheheh =o)

Dean Liversidge
Insight Direct (UK) Ltd.
MIS Department
Ext. 7065
(0870) 700 7065

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