>Still on Simcoupe.  Alan, you say the PIC's won't program correctly under

Well, yeah, because at that point they're hooked into the Windows Multimedia
timer system.

>  Well, I don't know about NT but my Asteroids emulator uses a
>re-programmed PIC timer to force 60Hz refreshes when users' monitors
>are refreshing higher.  It seems to work fine...  If anyone's interested
>source is available:  http://members.tripod.com/~asteroids


>Also, I've seen some 80x86 code that'll throw the VGA into a 50Hz 320x240
>Mode-X mode.  Obviously you need a monitor that will sync too.  It works on
>my system, with a dead cheap monitor and under Win 95 too.

>Would make Simcoupe very nice if it could refresh at the proper rate...

I'm willing to go for 60Hz refresh, if the PC can make sure the emulation
runs a 50Hz frame's worth of processing in that time.

BTW: Currently, the plan is to use DirectX for everything, and to port
things over to C++ slightly (for non-time-critical stuff). Oh, and I'm
currently writing a new VL1772-02 emulator, that will have two modes - fast,
and precision. Precision will have support for accurate timings - even down
to emulating the spin-up of the disk, index pulses, and register-update
latency - and everything that Fast has. Fast will have support for Read
Track, and support for protected disks (which have physical side vs. address
side, physical track vs address track issues). The plan is that you'll be
able to do track-dumps of existing disks and put those directly onto the PC,
and it'll handle it all quite happily (fingers crossed).


ps. Whoever's archiving... can you edit my MS email address out? I could do
without the spam.. and unfortunately, jumper's down, Nessie's down, and
Hotmail isn't sending out email...

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