-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Cooke (Exchange) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no' <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Date: 24 February 1999 21:27
Subject: SimCoupe

>>Would make Simcoupe very nice if it could refresh at the proper rate...
>I'm willing to go for 60Hz refresh, if the PC can make sure the emulation
>runs a 50Hz frame's worth of processing in that time.

Trouble is, things still won't look smooth...  This is the main reason I don't
allow Defender to run under Simcoupe.

I've nothing against Simcoupe, in fact I think emulators are great!  It's just
Defender looks so bad 'jumping' along, when I know that it's dead smooth on a
real SAM...  It's an ego thing really, I don't want people to think that I
get the game to run at 50Hz!!  ;-)

As for the emulator running with Direct-X, yes please!!  It'd be nice not to
to resort to a DOS box.

Please, please, please go for sound emulation too.  I feel this is a crucial
that's lacking at the moment.  Personally I feel it's more important than super
accurate 'Disk Chip' emulation.


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