On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Nick Humphries wrote:

> From: Andrew Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Personally I don't see anything wrong with the currect tactic of saving
> >.dsk images and gzipping them.
> PCs don't have gzip by default. What's wrong with writing a custom compression
> routine which is portable between the various platforms?

PCs don't have sim-coupe by default. Your point? I'd say you'd be hard
pressed to find a PC owner who couldn't decode - or encode, for that
matter - a .gz file. 

There's little point to reinventing the wheel, and you'd need to work
quite hard to make your customized compression algorithm work better than
gzip anyway.


 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
  --      http://mnemotech.ucam.org      --       .sig is a
   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file

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