On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Aley Keprt wrote:

> If you don't agree that progress is necessary, and
> new "things" cannot be used by old "users", I can't
> discuss with you.
> If I will make new SAD comaptible with old one (as you mentioned
> HTML), I can't compress it. Don't you know?
> This is my *final* mail to this topic.
> I don't have enough time to read and answer the same stupid
> questions ("why have you made SAD") again and again.

Obviously you haven't been reading the questions so far, because I didn't
ask that. I realise that .dsk is limited.

And obviously you haven't been reading my answers either, because I've
described exactly how and why the .SAD or .DSK files might be compressed
internally by SimCoupe and yet remain compatible with earlier versions.

Aley, frankly I think you have a real attitude problem. If you don't
participate in a sensible discussion then that's fine by me, but I won't
have you insulting me even if it turns into a flamewar - Don't ever call
me stupid on the basis of things I never said.

> ---
> btw. I haven't found that famous ZLIB yet. Where is it available?

Good grief, man - how hard did you try?? It took me about five seconds to
go to Altavista and find this page:


You can also get ANSI C source if the Win32 .dll version doesn't suit.


 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
  --      http://mnemotech.ucam.org      --       .sig is a
   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file

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