On Mon, 28 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I believe there was a Sam screen converter in an old issue of SAM Supplement. 
>  The program formatted a SAM disk to a sort-of PC format, which allowed you 
> to save about a dozen SAM screenshots to it in a PC format (.BMP or .JPG?) I 
> can't remember which issue it was, or how it worked, but I managed to convert 
> about thirty SAM mode 4 screens, which must indicate it was very easy to use!
> Anyone remember this program? If I come across it, I'll let everyone know, as 
> it was a very good little utility.
> Phil Glover.

I asked for Sam->PC converter for DOS/Windows!!!
Why everybody tells me "use Fred issue no.x".
I have pictures on hard drive and need to convert them to ANY normal
picture format.

Currently I use SamView which displays Sam pictures, and then press PrtScr
(under Win32). Then I copy the image from the clipboard. That's working
fine, but it is too complicated.

 Aley [eili] Keprt - student, programmer (multimedia soft. etc.)
                    phone: +420-68-538 70 35
     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ***  http://get.to/aley

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