Martin Wilson wrote:

> Like most people though I've had absolutely loads of AOL CDs sent to me. I've
> literally had about 80 sent to me in the last 3 years. Actual AOL subscribers 
> have
> to pay for the cost of these so no wonder its such a rip off.
> I mean £30 a month is £360 for a year. The price of a nice TV. If thats lucky 
> I'd
> rather be unlucky.

You obviously don't use the net as much as me! Before I got the 0800
number, my phone bills were massive! Now I can download things like
Quake 3 all night, I can get up in the morning, check my email instead
of waiting until after 6pm, I can run my own permanent FTP server, I can
sit on IRC and chat pointlessly all night if I want - and I don't have
to think about the phone bill. I'd pay more than 30 quid for this if I
have to! (Just a shame it's on AOL...) And TV's crap, bar a few
programmes :P
But we digress (again). 


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