Frode Tenneboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Dooré <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Who was she, anyway? I remember the scrolly saying something 
> > > like the piccy was taken from the Archemedes..
> > 
> > She was in 8 greyscales plus there was something dodgy going on with
> her
> > lips.
> > 
> > It always looked like the cropped top of a porn picture to me :-)
> Her name is Mathilda. I've uploaded her to 
> At least I think it's her....:)

OK! Correction. I have pretty much (99.99%) decided that I'm wrong. The
lady from Tetris is none other than Nastassia Kinski. Original image is


^ Frode Tennebø                    | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ^
| Ericsson Radar AS.               | Isebakkeveien 49               |
| Phone: +47 69 21 41 47           | N-1788 Halden                  |
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