Hey peeps.

I came this close to releasing my first version of MIDI-Bar (the SAM util
that read MIDI data from the ports and displayed the note information as
graphical bars on screen - I wrote it last year but never got around to
polishing it for release). The trouble is, I couldn't be bothered to
unpack my keyboard to test the program to make sure the release version
still worked...

Oh well, at least I finally got around to formatting a few SAM disks.

(Now. Where's SAMDSK, the utility to write SAD files to disk, Outwrite
and Defenders?)


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 7:00 PM
> To:   sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
> Subject:      FRED starts the ball rolling...
> Well, FRED have started the ball rolling...
> If we can't get games and utils up there, at least we can get magazines
> and 
> pd demos.

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