Speaking of the excellent Wincoupe, where can I download it from, I
am not the only one after it......I have it installed on my work PC, but
not at home, and some idiot (me!) deleted the zip file......

I did ask last week but got no response......

Yours desperately......

01675 444800

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 11:21 AM
> To:   sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
> Subject:      FRED starts the ball rolling...
> Well, FRED have started the ball rolling...
> Who's next to allow their magazine to be put up there?
> Mr Ledbury? Anything you wish to put forward? Do you have any rights on
> the 
> newsdisk or anything?
> Adie  - I know you float around here from time to time. Any chance of
> Chips 
> and Pump going up on nvg?
> And what about the like of SAM Supp and enceladus? Who owns the rights to 
> these at the moment?
> If we can't get games and utils up there, at least we can get magazines
> and 
> pd demos.
> Why don't we purge the PD libraries and stick everything up there. Does 
> anybody have contact with Derek Morgan?
> WinCoupe has reignited my interest in the SAM. And if it does so for me,
> then 
> it will do for others. So lets give them something to do when they finally
> get their emulators up and running.
> Well done Colin M for setting the standard. Let's all chip in and get a 
> decent backlog of SAM stuff up on nvg for all SAM users to use...

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