Si Owen wrote:
> Shift-backspace for Delete is already in as I kept trying to use
> it!  Insert
> is a much better choice for INV that I currently have, and the others are
> good and general too.

Great!  Anyone remember a program I wrote called ProType (appeared on Fred
60)?  That used INV to toggle Insert/Overwrite mode, so that should work out
just right!

> > I have a program that plays E-Tracker tunes out of Sams MIDI port.
> If you're willing to send me your program, I'll take a look once I've tied
> up some more loose ends...

Ok, I'll send you a .dsk of that before the day's out.  Note, though, that
it relies on the MIDI out interrupt which occurs approx. 5.5 scan lines
after the write to the MIDI port, also the MIDI status flags.  The one-bit
drivers on VMPR (IIRC) aren't required though (I doubt if anything uses

> Si

Dave Laundon.

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