On Sat, 25 Mar 2000 20:41:58 +0100, Frans van Egmond

>Does anyone have a program for Amiga or PC to convert IFF or BMP or whatever 
>SAM Coupe and back?

Simon Cooke had (probably doesn't anymore) a program for making SAM
pictures into BMPs. It's probably in the NVG archive.

Ian Slavin (our very own 'Axe' - where the hell is he these days?) did
a pretty good IFF (ILBM) to SAM routine, but I don't know if it, or
anything like it, is up as a stand-alone program on NVG. However, I
think I put it on one of  the last of the SAM Adventure Club disks
(probably disk B of issue 13), and that is on NVG in the mags section
somewhere... I think.



Dave Whitmore

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