On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 09:40:46PM +0100, Dave Hooper wrote:

> distributable whilst maintaining some kind of 'protection' over SAASound -
> in that I will not allow other people to release versions of SAASound
> without my permission and say-so over the new code unless I decide to change
> my mind over this in the future or unless it is made clear that the version
> of SAASound created by this third party has nothing to do with me - and that

You *may* have a problem there, because I suspect that set of restrictions
isn't compatible with the GPL. You could take a look at some of the other
licenses around (SCSL, trolltech, X, BSD etc.) and see which is closest, or
just go with BSD or something. I'd favour the latter, but then I would. :-)


"Morpheus: There is a difference between knowing the RFC
 and following the RFC"          - Jeff Gostin in a.s.r.

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