Wolfgang from WoMo-Team writes:
>Andrew Collier schrieb:
>> Can I just make a straw poll here --
>> does ANYBODY on this list actually use my ProTracker2 compiler? Or know
>> anybody else that uses it?
>Where to get it from? Would like to try it out. I have "only" E-Tracker 2
>is a sampler.

I probably ought to clear up some possible confusion here...

ProTracker2, is a program very similar to E-Tracker and was written by
BZYK. Don't confuse it with a program called ProTracker on any other
platform... it is not a sample tracker, just chip music. However,
ProTracker2 is rather more flexible than E-Tracker, it contains a lot more
commands for note effects like vibrato, tremolo, portamento etc, in fact
the command set is actually based on the same commands as in the MOD file

ProTracker2 was sold by Persona. I don't know where it might be available
now. I reviewed it for Zodiac, and a copy of that article is available
here: http://mnemotech.ucam.org/pt2review.html

I'm using the word "compiler" in a rather loose sense, but in the same way
that E-Tracker does; my program doesn't produce an executable as such.
Rather, it produces a packed form of the tracker file which is convenient
to parse and play.

BZYK didn't write a compiler, he just wrote a routine to play the raw
tracker files. These were usually over 100K in size, and his program takes
roughly half of all available CPU. So I wrote a compiler myself. The end
result is files somewhere usually between 8K-20K, which play in
significantly less CPU time than the simplest E-Tracker equivalent. My
program eventually ended up on Blitz 4, although I think David may have
later started bundling it with sales of ProTracker2 itself.

The downside, of course, is that I didn't have any of the specs for BZYK's
code - the program didn't even come with a manual, I had to work out myself
what all the commands do and how they interact. Apparently I got some of
them slightly wrong, and the compiled version of this tune I've done sounds
nothing like it does in the editor.

So... I can send you a copy of my compiler, but it won't be any use to you
unless you manage to find a copy of the Editor somewhere.

 ---   Andrew Collier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   -----     Can't think of a quote
  ----     http://mnemotech.ucam.org/      ----    So I write haiku instead
   ----- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge ---   That should do for now

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