Ian Collier wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 12:23:42AM +0100, Gavin Smith wrote:
> > Thanks for your helpful/patronizing words :) As I said, this is a
> > *platform* issue, not a browser issue
> You don't seem to understand.  A platform issue *is* a browser issue.

Are you:
A) Trying to sound even more of a smartass
B) Trying to start a flame war
or C) Just being annoying for no obvious reason?
It's a platform issue in that it looks the same in all browsers <for the
pedants> that I've tried </for the pedants> on each platform. i.e. on
Mac iCab, Netscape and IE the font size is the same. Windows Opera, IE
and Netscape all display the font size the same as each other, but
larger than their Mac counterparts. Is that clear enough for you? I've
no doubt it is, and you're just trying to being patronizing!

> And once you've got it fixed on Windows and Mac OS then are you sure you
> know how it will look on Linux or Solaris?

Did I say I was? Did I say I was concerned about this? When I get it
fixed on Windows and Mac, *then* I'll have a go at fixing it on Linux
(assuming it needs fixing). If anyone else uses something else, I'll
have a go at fixing it for them of course.

Christ, I was only asking for a bit of help.


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