Gavin Smith:
>Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:

>> It is just a platform matter though - all browsers on a PC will display
>> the size fairly similar, (MSIE seems a bit bigger usually), and all Mac
>> browsers will display slightly smaller than a PC.  You can probably fix
>> it by setting up the browser settings.  Or buying Mac users really
>> strong specs.
>Cheers Martin, I thought it was that, but thought perhaps there was some
>work around. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to make it look smaller for
>the Windows peeps (and therefore make it look cack on my Mac).

The Mac standard display resolution is 72dpi. For whatever reason, Windows
has chosen a standard resolution of 96dpi. That is why the fonts get
displayed at different sizes between MacOS and Windows.

I haven't yet had chance to look at the page in question, so don't take
this as criticism of your page in particular, but...

Note that you really can't expect text to be the same size everywhere. You
really, really can't. Height, or width. Maybe I've chosen to view in a
different font. If you specify fonts, maybe I don't have the same ones
installed. The lost art of good web design is to make a page look sensible
with web browser settings other than your own. It might only look "perfect"
on your own computer, and you just have to live with that.

Please use only relative font sizes. There's actually no good reason to do
it any other way, and it makes things much easier on the people who, at the
end of the day, want to read your text. For example, I generally run my
monitor at the highest resolution it can manage, then increase all the font
sizes to compensate. Mac browsers make it easy to do that. Everything looks
better, the text is smoother an easier to read etc, but it also shows up
some sloppy web designers.

 ---   Andrew Collier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   -----     Can't think of a quote
  ----      ----    So I write haiku instead
   ----- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge ---   That should do for now

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