on 1/21/01 1:36 AM, Simon Owen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Gavin Smith wrote:
>> firstly, in Fred 82, is it just me or does the Speccy game "Bouncy" (or
>> whatever it was) have a bug in the second screen? If you bounce your way
>> up to the left and then drop down the left hand side, you can't seem to
>> get out or am I being stupid?
> It does look like you can get stuck on some of the levels if you are not
> careful with the number of keys you're holding, but that's just part of the
> same.  The 'S' key seems to be 'suicide' and will cause you to lose a life
> so you can restart the level.
> The solution for that level is just to jump up and over the barrier instead
> of using some of your keys to knock a hole in it (as you need at least 3
> left to be able to remove the panel at the bottom of the column) :-)

Ahhh I see. Couldn't find any manual on the disk so wasn't aware that it was
actually keys which were knocking holes in things :) Doh!

> On a separate issue (forward-pun not intended...), I never received a copy
> of the latest SAM Community issue here (number 5 I think, the one that you
> had postal problems with).  Was I just unlucky?

You're now on a list of about 7 or 8 people who still haven't received issue
5. I think most people did receive it, but I've heard from Len, Colin McD,
and Dan Doore over the last few days who all haven't either. I've made a
note and I'll send out yet another copy to you. Anyone else who hasn't
received a copy, drop me a mail - similarly if you aren't a subber, and want
a free copy of issue 6. On a brighter note it looks like I might get 50 quid
compensation for the first batch of issue 5's that went missing, although
that's not official yet.

http://www.samcommunity.org - Paper mag for SAM owners and emulator users.
Also contains Coupé info, news, mailing list help and much more to come.

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