on 1/21/01 1:53 AM, Simon Owen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Cheers Gavin!  Do you know whether it was just an Xmas situation that caused
> the loss, or is it still a mystery?

There was something funny with strikes in Belfast around the Xmas period -
some sorting offices were badly hit I think, and I know there was a good
backlog for a while. Then there was the Xmas period which didn't help.
However, I think there's something else dodgy, I don't trust the post
anymore, if it hasn't improved over the next couple of months, there's no
way I could distribute a paper mag anymore, cos I've lost so much stuff in
the post. There's a postbox outside the Post Office up the road from me in
Carrickfergus, and for a whole day somewhere before Christmas, the box was
so full that letters were piled up to the mouth of the box - you could see
letters beginning to fall out. I passed it once in the morning and again in
the evening and it was no better except there were a few letters lying on
the ground - great service! :)
Things seem a bit better at the moment, I get most post roughly on time, and
most stuff I've sent out recently has arrived, as far as I know, roughly on
time or a few days late.

http://www.samcommunity.org - Paper mag for SAM owners and emulator users.
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