well, my little, and somewhat pointless contribution.......


on a more sensible note, you out there with real sams, or indeed, the
software to go on them,
may I ask if you can dig your discs out, as, in the next few weeks or so, i
would like to get a good sized catalogue 
of sam software 'dumped' and renamed for preservation on the PC. Any of you
who are addicted to emulators, or know about the TOSEC romcenter databases
will appreciate what i'm trying to do. So far, i've 'dumped' 120 odd discs
(mainly FRED, and SAM supplement mags)

the naming format is,

Sam Supplement Magazine Issue 46 (November 1990).dsk

(the numbers above are incorrect, i know, it's just off the top of my head)

If you allready have any dumps of SAM discs, can you email me lists of them
to my home Email address


once i've dumped all mine, and sorted through some stuff off the net (I'd
estimate about 500 so far), i'll be asking niceley
if you can 'mail' me any dumps that i dont have, so that i can add them to
the catalogue
I'll then put 'em all on cd's and send copies to all that help!

if theres anyone who will be 'disgruntled' at my doing this for certain
pieces of software, let me know

(AKA Bleugh on IRC Newnet #retroroms)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Owen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 19 February 2001 15:10
> To:   sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
> Subject:      RE: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around
> Frode Tenneboe wrote:
> > No, a half decent software company should not have considered this a
> > good thing and introduced them in the first place.
> Agreed!  M$ strikes again...
> Si

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