At 8:45 pm +0000 25/2/01, Tim P wrote:
>IIRC someone always suggests being on an IRC channel at a certain time,
>on a certain day.
>I can't find the details and wondered if someone would remind me incase I
>get the urge to come join in one night.

Well, it'd generally be #samcommunity on undernet, but I haven't seen
anyone there for a while. Maybe I've just been looking at the wrong time.
And I don't seem to be able to connect at all at the moment...

 ---        Andrew Collier        ----
  ----  ---
r<2+ T<4* cSEL dMS hEn/CB<BL A4 S+*<++ C$++L/mP W- a-- Vh+seT+ (Cantab) 1.1.4

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