I just thought, no-one reads readme files, 
so they'll be emailing anything left after running goodsam,
so its probably to save on inbox space, if everythings renamed
just my 2p worth

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dean Woodyatt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 25 April 2001 14:02
> To:   'sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no'
> Subject:      RE: GoodSAMC
> they'll get to that,
> trouble is, they have to filter out the dross first,
> if you look at the other good utils, any confirmed good dumps are marked !
> thats what will probably happen to goodsamc,
> i dont know why the author allows "crap" to be listed in the renamed db,
> instead of just acknowledging the existance of the crap in the db, and
> only
> renaming good stuff
> - i guess its just easier that way
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Aley Keprt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent:       25 April 2001 13:55
> > To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
> > Subject:    Re: GoodSAMC
> > 
> > > > And, finally, it refuses to accept disks with more than 80 tracks
> > > (maybe all except 80, but I have only 80, 82 and 84).
> > >
> > > Must be a non-80-track thing, as it also complained about undersize
> > > images - your 'alternative module player' comes on a small SAD image,
> > > and that had to be converted to DSK and then back to 80 track SAD for
> it
> > > to be recognised!
> > 
> > Really?
> > It's called "Aley's" instead of "Alternative". I don't know who the f.
> > wrote
> > the worng name into the database.
> > And I don't know why it has undersized SAD. Isn't the file corrupted?
> > (just
> > a question)
> > 
> > > <ponder>
> > > As Dean mentioned, it's the first release so hopefully it'll be
> > > improved.  It seems to need:
> > > - gzip support
> > > - support for SADv2 (recognising gzip file with .sad extension)
> > > - support for non-80-track SAD images
> > > - disk format understanding for better equivalence checking
> > 
> > In other words it must read/unpack each file into memory, and then test
> > the
> > checksum.
> > 
> > > The initial list seems to have done quite a good job of gathering up
> > > most demos and utils, even if it did pick up some commercial ones
> along
> > > the way - oops!.  Tho the list does contain quite a lot of unnecessary
> > > duplicates - maybe it'd be more useful if the 'unofficial' ones were
> > > weeded out?
> > 
> > You never know what is official. It contains tens of "spectrum games
> > collection" or "demos collection" images.
> > That's why I wrote it is a nonsense to make database of diskettes.
> > I think we should build a database of ROMs instead. (real roms - MGT Sam
> > Basic version 1,2,3..., SamCo ROM, etc.)
> > 
> > Aley

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