On Sun, 29 Apr 2001 23:43:49 +0100, Paul Walker

> On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 09:13:35PM +0100, Nev Young wrote:
> > AFAIK Format died a death last century <g>
> It's been over a year since I last thought of SAM stuff, from memory. :)
> > Bob is still alive and ripping people off erm I mean providing a valuable
> > service to the PC community.
> I'm strangely unsurprised... any idea where I can find him, a web-page or
> something? Not that I have any interest in buying stuff, I just want to see
> what he's up to now. But not to the extent of emailing him. <grin>

I'm not aware of any web sites aprt from one he did for his
granddaughter but I forgot the url :-)

He still terrorises alt.rec.cats and uk.legal and a few other

Nev - no longer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and getting no spam at all (yet)
Webpage under construction at www,nfy53,demon,co,uk
also hiding on ICQ

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