It would be worth doing - a damn fine demo if memory serves me right. I'd be happy to help if I could, but this seems WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too technical for a gamer like myself.

Subject: Re: F16 Combat Pilot download
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 15:29:45 +0000

> I have downloaded this and the F16 Combat Pilot demo is in TZX format.

The spec for TZX is at which makes
plenty of mention of the Sam tape format.

It would be a worthy addition to SimCoupe, but this is the first time I
have ever *ever* seen a Sam file still in tape format rather than DSK, SDF,
SAD or *spit* TD0.

My real Sam is out of action whilst the back bedroom is being decorated,
otherwise I'd dump the TZX to minidisc and have a go at loading it up.

Now where the hell is my mono tape lead? :-)


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