Si Owen wrote:
> Geoff Winkless wrote:
> > I use 50Hz :)
> How d'ya manage that?  I'd definitely be interested in using that rate
> myself if possible, as even a smooth 100Hz still suffers from 
> ghosting.
> I didn't think modern monitors were happy running at such a low rate
> though?

Uhh. I dunno, I just went into the settings in the display properties,
changed the refresh rate to 50Hz. :) The monitor reckons it's actually
50.2Hz though :(

On my matrox at home I played with the settings (you can do some pretty cool
stuff in the Advanced area to things like the flyback time etc) and got it
so that the monitor said exactly 50Hz, I can't figure out how to do that

Both this SGI monitor and my Belinea at home seem happy enough, although I
wouldn't subject them to it for long periods. Having said that I guess I'm
probably not representative, the Belinea is -very- nice (.24 dp?) and you'd
expect the SGI kit to be able to handle weird stuff. Strangely, I can't
select 50Hz for 800x600 on the SGI though, so I have to run in a window at
work :(

> I can butcher a quick version for you to try if ya like...?  Running
> with 50Hz monitor sync on a fast machine /should/ just 
> require a single forced sync after every emulated frame.

Cool! This machine is pretty solid at 100% in sync-enabled, and ranges
between 170% and 290% with sync disabled, so should be quick enough.

As an aside but still wrt simcoupe, do you have any plans to implement any
sort of debug facility (so you could pause the emulation, take a look at the
registers, disassembly of the code, step through etc etc)? If not would
anyone else be interested in using something like that if I wrote it? :)


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