Geoff Winkless wrote:
> I just went into the settings in the display properties, changed the 
> refresh rate to 50Hz. :)

I don't remember ever seeing drivers that supported below 60Hz :-/  I'll
have to see if my GeForce2 card will let me roll my own mode to support
it.  My Mitsubishi monitor at home seems to report/ignore invalid rates,
so hopefully it'll either complain or just work.

> The monitor reckons it's actually 50.2Hz though :(

That's pretty close, and the only problem you might have is with sound.
SimCoupé buffers just enough to allow small speed fluctuations, so it'll
be fine most of the time, but once it's too far out of step it'll need
to drop a frame's worth of wave data to bring it back in sync.  

It'd be better if it ran slightly under speed instead, as generating
extra SAA samples to fill the gap would be guaranteed seamless.  Of
course, BEEP and DAC output would still suffer the occasional click

> Cool! This machine is pretty solid at 100% in sync-enabled,
> and ranges between 170% and 290% with sync disabled, so 
> should be quick enough.

Ok, I'll be in touch off the list about this...

> do you have any plans to implement any sort of debug facility (so you 
> could pause the emulation, take a look at the registers, disassembly 
> of the code, step through etc etc)?

Yuppers, and it was actually something I was working on last night!  I'm
pretty much done with the changes needed to suspend execution part way
through frames, to handle single-stepping and breakpoints.  The new
disassembler had already been done, and I've most of a mini-assembler
completed too.

There's actually a TurboMON-style mock-up in SimCoupé 0.82a - press '/'
on the numeric keypad to show a quick code/register dump at the end of
each frame.  The new version won't look anything like that tho,


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