Colin Piggot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled:

>> I'd rather concentrate on the game design part of it myself, for me
>> that's the interesting bit about making games. :)
> Well, that has to be the main part.... but on the other hand, saving
> a few t-states isn't important when you have some 2GHz + monster to
> work with!

Ah yes... a whole host of other problems come to the fore though.

If you're using VC++ or Intel's compiler, their optimization algorithms are
pretty damn good. Provided you don't deliberately jerk them around or
anything (and sometimes, even if you do).

The things to worry about these days are efficiently shoving IO data around,
memory allocation, and the correct choice of algorithms.

(My SAM heritage does still show through though... the app I'm working on at
the moment is 200kb in size when compiled (including graphics), and takes up
less than 1/10000 of the available CPU power of the system. Not bad for a
remote control, logging, diagnostics and analysis package for a mass


However. Let's be clear here; there are those who had the good fortune to
grow up doing SAM stuff (or any earlier machine), and those who didn't. The
ones who did? Well, they make games like Quantum Redshift, where everything
runs at 60fps, and there's nary any slowdown or flicker. The ones who
didn't? They make games like Splinter Cell, which are difficult to watch on
an HDTV because the graphics tear all over the place. You'd think they'd
never heard of double buffering, or waiting for the frame sync. And they've
never changed the border color to optimize their display in their lives!

When I were a lad... it were all different. All green fields! And we only
programmed using 0's - we couldn't afford 1's.

Seriously though... there's something to be said for paying attention to the
small stuff. There's a large number of XBOX games which have come out
recently where I'd love to meet the developers and shake them by the neck.
Or the eyeballs -- take your pick.


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