> From : Andrew Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date : Sun, 12 Jan 2003 17:01:15 +0000
>I don't quite see what you're getting at with your descriptions above...
>However, the way I see it; every byte that you clear costs time. The 
>ideal situation is when you're only clearing bytes which were used in 
>the previous frame and were unused in the current frame. If you clear a 
>block of 16x16 pixels, that's likely to be a lot of bytes which were 
>never filled and so didn't need to be blacked out.

The idea was probably rubbish anyway. Would it instead be smart to use a 
faintly dirty 
rectange approach, but to continually draw to the same buffer using simple 
effects to advance the frame (so you can get through 15 frames before you have 
change buffers, allowing for the need for a constant black entry), and clear 
1/15th of 
the next buffer every scanline? With a 48 pixel status display - a quick 
estimation on my 
part without having a screenshot to hand - thats the equivalent of clearing 
only 9.6 
scanlines per frame. 

From: "Frode Tenneboe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Elite port
> Incidentally, does anybody have the SAM version?

I do. And also I have a deprotected .dsk version of it, provided by someone on 
this list 
some time ago. Perhaps Ian Bell doesn't offer it because its just a way of 
running the 
Spectrum version with much fewer available emulators?


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