On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 13:58:42 +0100 Thomas Harte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The idea was probably rubbish anyway. Would it instead be smart to use a 
> faintly dirty 
> rectange approach, but to continually draw to the same buffer using simple 
> palette 
> effects to advance the frame (so you can get through 15 frames before you 
> have to 
> change buffers, allowing for the need for a constant black entry), and clear 
> 1/15th of 
> the next buffer every scanline? With a 48 pixel status display - a quick 
> estimation on my 
> part without having a screenshot to hand - thats the equivalent of clearing 
> only 9.6 
> scanlines per frame.

Another solution would be to store the previous sequence of screen
addresses used for the wire-frame and do a quick
        LD (stack+1),SP
        LD SP,nn
        POP BC
loop    POP HL
        LD (HL),A
        DJNZ loop
stack   LD SP,nn

(or something more elboate if B>256 - from the top of my head)

> From: "Frode Tenneboe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Incidentally, does anybody have the SAM version?
> I do. And also I have a deprotected .dsk version of it, provided by someone 
> on this list 
> some time ago. Perhaps Ian Bell doesn't offer it because its just a way of 
> running the 
> Spectrum version with much fewer available emulators?

Well, with save/load to disk instead of tape (even though there
were (?) +D/Disciple hacks) is a plus, eh?

My guess is that he doesn't even know.....


^ Frode Tennebø           | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ^
| Ericsson AS.            | Isebakkeveien 49               |
| N-1788 Halden           | Phone: +47 67 25 09 39         |
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