On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:31:54 -0000 (GMT) "Tobermory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Interest anyone, this?  Haven't had much of a chance to look at it
> yet.
> -Tob
> "...a Freeware , retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler. The
> current version targets the Intel 8051 and the Zilog Z80 based
> MCUs."
> http://sdcc.sourceforge.net/

Last time I checked z88dk was more up-to-date.....hmmm I can see
that sdcc was last updated 29.09.2001.....

<BRAG MODE> It even has support for native SAM stdio, graphics,
sound and ansi. </BRAG MODE>


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