> 1) Do you have an actual Sam Coupe:
Yes, a couple.

> 2) Does it work?
One does after a major repair job from Mr Piggot, the other is in need of a
little attention, which it will get soon hopefully.

> 3) Do you still use it?
Yes, it's on my desk and I recently bought a nice little telly for it. I
don't use it half as much as I'd like to though.

> 4) How many bits of sam software have you got?

> 5) Do you still actively seek new sam bits and pieces?
Yes indeedy.

> 6) Would you buy a new game for the sam coupe if the price was
> right?

7) What price would be right if you would?
No idea. At the end of the day, it's not like we've a huge number of things
to buy for the SAM anymore (although Colin's doing his best to change that!)
so price isn't hugely important.

> 8) Would you develop a title for the sam still?
I never had the talent to finish a software project on the SAM and these
days I program for Mac OS X and Windows (and possibly RISC OS...). I was
sort of thinking of prototyping a game I'm working on, using SAM BASIC. Then
I got into the way of thinking that I might just finish a SAM version, if I
can get someone to work on the graphics. So I guess the answer is yes.

> 9) Would you help develop a title for the sam?
Doubt I could be much help and doubt I'd have the time.

> 10) Do you think that all the work put in to keep the sam alive
> is a waste of time?
Absolutely not. It's like people who complain about prices on eBay - it's
the buyer's choice to pay the price and if it's worth the price to him/her,
who is to say otherwise? I think it's great that there are still a few
people working on the SAM and it seems to me that since Colin's mag started,
there's been an increasing interest.


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